Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Archer Fishing and Videos

Joel had a day off a while back so we went out to Spring Valley Reservoir and did a little fishing for an afternoon.  Archer had a blast and we are excited to take him more and Joel is excited to have a little fishing buddy.

We will start out with some bait fishing and then we will get him into the fly fishing.  Joel does not trust him with his fly rods yet, so for now it is the Walmart special bait rods.  We are just excited to see him catch his first fish.

Monday, September 3, 2012


Well, Archer has been busy, he has learned to army crawl, and he is even walking along the couch, as well as pushing chairs and his walker around. It was been quite different in our home now that Archer is MOBILE!!! Archer has even mastered the HARRIS FACE, OH NO The FACE!!!!

 Today at church I was helping in the nursery when he decided to push one of the chairs around the room. I was so shocked!! The little trooper only fell once.

 Since he has begun crawling I have had a bit more baby proofing to do, the cords and controllers for the PS3 have been moved up and out of reach and I fear that a new entertainment center in the very near future.
The little video isn't quite as good as Archer pushing the chair at church but it kinda gives you an idea of how much trouble Joel and I are in.

 "If you give a mouse a cookie." or in this case if you give an Archer a fudge bar stick, He will only want another.

 Joel was so kind to share his ice cream with Archer that when his was all gone he reached out for mine. Of course I gave in , do you see that face!!


Lucky for you we were able to catch this super cute moment on video. That boy is such a stinker!!

Archer has also been very busy crawling around and getting into places he shouldn't be. I sometimes feel like I have a puppy. He will crawl to us when we call his name and he even follows us down the hall. Making dinner has become a game of don't step on Archer or don't get run over by him scooting around in his car,
I have to make sure that I am wearing slippers or shoes so my feet don't fall victim to his crazy driving.

Such a Cute FACE!!

  Archer even loves just chillin with Dad.

Oh no Archer has found the controller! Good thing Dad has one that one that Archer can chew on.

On top of everything else he has figured out how to take the cap off of a pen. I had given it too him to chew on and when we got home this what I found when I opened the door. No more pens for this little guy. For some reason he loves to chew on pens, straws, and spoons. The other day we were in the DQ drive through and he was getting fussy so we asked for a straw and he was quiet the rest of the way home. Should I be worried?

SO, these last couple weeks have been, FUN, EXCITING, SCARY, FRUSTRATING, and so Totally worth being a MOM. Now if I can just get him to learn to roll over from belly to back we will be set, but for now I will keep on my toes for the next new Archer Adventure.